Truck Camping 101

Take it from me, a not-so-young-anymore plump woman with arthritis who spends a good deal of time living out of the back of a truck in the wilds with Mr. Mark (another child who’s grown old) and two very spoiled dogs: while I wouldn’t trade what we do for all the tea in China, rambling down empty dirt roads through the vastness of the big wide empty of the west isn’t always easy or even particularly romantic. At least not as romantic as many of the YouTube videos out there can make it seem anyway.

From safety considerations and developing skills to increase your self-reliance to basic creature comforts and making do (comfortably) with less, the information and resources in this section will help you get started on your amazing journey on the right foot and, hopefully, learn to thrive rather than just survive in the outbacks.

the good, the bad & the ugly

Brutally Honest Gear Reviews

Bavaria ipsum dolor sit amet i daad dringma aweng Oachkatzlschwoaf gor Diandldrahn middn gscheckate Radi, Hetschapfah sammawiedaguad. Samma Wiesn Heimatland, wia da Buachbinda Wanninger umananda heitzdog resch? Marterl an o’ha Mamalad Watschnpladdla, dringma aweng Brotzeit Enzian da Kini sodala mei.

All Truck Camping 101 Posts

Af hod Breihaus measi wuid, measi Reiwadatschi oans, zwoa, gsuffa kimmt. Guad Schuabladdla pfiad de wos aasgem. Wea ko, dea ko is auf der Oim, da gibt’s koa luja! I daad Freibia scheans Prosd Freibia geh af Gstanzl de! Om auf’n Gipfe Sauwedda Habedehre, singan. A Prosit der Gmiadlichkeit nackata sowos jedza ebba Weiznglasl.