The Fine Print

This legal stuff can be boring & you might not want to read it. We understand, but we encourage you to do so anyway as, whether you read it or not, it has been provided in good faith and made easily available, which means that your use of, interaction with, and/or participation in any activities on Not Quite Overlanders (hereafter referred to as “This Website”) constitutes an agreement that you understand and accept the terms and conditions covered within this document.

Who We Are

We’re Earl & Edna. We’re getting old, we’re out of shape, and we’re reprobates. Our kids are all grown and off living their own lives, so we’ve go a little extra time on our hands that we use to explore and hang out in the empty places of the Western United States, especially Arizona. If you wanna get to know us better, head over to the About Us page.

This is our website:, which, hopefully, you already knew since you’re here, but we thought we’d let you know anyway just in case you were lost. If you are lost, don’t worry about it, we totally understand, it happens to us all the time and it usually turns out okay. Sometimes even better than okay.

Anyway, this is the most boring page on the website (at least we hope it is) so, once you’re done here you should probably walk it off a little and then reward yourself by grabbing a cup of coffee (or tea, if you prefer) and doing a little exploring. You deserve it. Besides, you’re already here, lost or otherwise.

You can contact us through the contact form. We love hearing from you, but as we are often out in the middle of nowhere, there is no guarantee when we will get emails or have the ability to respond to them immediately, so please be patient, we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Data Collection, Usage & Your Privacy

We collect both voluntarily submitted personally identifiable information and anonymous information gathered through automated processes. This information will only used in accordance to the purpose for which it was given, ie for email contact, post comments, or website account creation, etc, unless you give us your express permission to use it in another manner.

The simple act of visiting a website leaves a trail of information, a “digital footprint“, about visitors. Sometimes this footprint is vague and preserves your anonymity and other times it is tied specifically to you and your real life identity.

If all you do is click around and read pages, the data captured about you is vague and doesn’t include any personal information. If you leave a comment, sign up for a newsletter or voluntarily provide your personal information in any other way, the data captured about you will, by default, be more specific.

The Majority of websites you visit collect data about their visitors in this fashion in order to insure a good visitor experience, protect from malicious behavior, and improve the functionality and longevity of their site; This Website is no different.

All personal data that is collected by This Website is done on a voluntary and informed basis. This information is kept on our secure servers and only accessible to authorized agents and contractors (who have agreed to keep information secure and confidential). We do not barter, sell or trade any data that we collect, nor do we provide it to advertisers for any reason. As per legal requirements, data will be given to law enforcement when requested, but only when all appropriate legal processes are followed.

We may share information with appropriate government agencies or private companies assisting us in fraud detection, prevention or investigation. We may do so when: (1) permitted or required by law; or, (2) trying to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions; or, (3) investigating fraud which has already taken place. The information is not provided to these agencies and companies for marketing purposes.

While we do a monthly purge of all analytic data older than 365 days, personal information provided directly through contact forms, comments or subscriptions may be kept indefinitely. This personal information as well as all anonymous information collected for analytical purposes can be removed at any time just by asking us.


Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user’s experience more efficient and enjoyable. The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies we need your permission.

You have the option of refusing cookies using one of the cookie control systems we’ve made available, we’re nice people & forcing cookies on other people is mean. You can also use your browser’s security settings to block all cookies from This Website and its external serving vendors. Refusing or blocking cookies may have some effect on how you see and interact with our website. Sorry about that.

Cookies are used on This Website for a variety of purposes, including:

Logging In

If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.


Our commenting system uses cookies so that our visitor won’t need to re-type all their information each time they leave a comment. When you leave comments on This Website we collect the data shown in the comments form, as well as your IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

Commenting on any website presents privacy issues, it is no different on This Website. Both commenter information and the content of comments is visible to anyone who views the site. With this in mind, you are advised that providing personal information in comments on This Website, as with any other site, is done at your own risk. if we do happen to catch something that we think is too personal we will do what we can to mitigate any privacy issues, but we will not be held responsible for any consequences, perceived or otherwise, that arise from over-sharing.

You can request the removal of your commenting account information from our system at any time.

We use Akismet for spam protection in our comment section, Learn how Askimet processes your comment data.

Social Sharing

When you share our content on a social media platform such as Facebook, a cookie is set. These cookies are usually connected with your own social media account (whichever one you are sharing our content on). When you are logged into them, you share this information through them, which is something we have no control over.

Some, but not all, of the product links on This Website are affiliate links, which means that if you click on them and purchase something, a small portion of the sale will go to help support This Website and keep her running. It does not cost you anything extra to purchase from an affiliate link, but it means a great deal to us, so if you choose to do that, thanks so much for your support. We really, really appreciate it!

Clicking an affiliate link sets a tracking cookie to record where the click came from – this is how we get paid. The cookie is set on our site, but processed on by our affiliate partner (in most cases ‘Amazon’) and covered by their Privacy Policy.

Embedded Content

Some pages and posts on This Website may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if you are viewing it on the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Account Registration

If you choose to register an account on This Website we store the personal information that you provide in your profile. You can see, edit, or delete this personal information at any time (except you cannot change your username). Website administrators can also see and (if necessary) edit this information.

Contact Form

The use of our contact form is completely at your discretion and while it does not set cookies, it does save the personal information that you provide. This information is stored on our private and secure system where it pretty much just sits and gathers dust bunnies until it is no longer required or has no use. The storage period is either 365 days or until you request it’s removal, whichever comes first.

The information you provide in our comment form will only be used for the express purposes for which it was provided, it will never be used for marketing or provided to any third party unless required by law, and you will not receive any unsolicited emails from us through your use of our contact form.

If for any reason, any reason at all, you want us to remove this information, just drop us a line and we’ll scrub you from the system. We’ll even delete any emails we’ve received from you.

Uploaded Photographs

Photographs taken with a cellphone or digital camera often contain embedded location data (EXIF GPS) that can be extracted by anyone with access to that photograph. Any photographs you choose to upload to This Website will be displayed to other visitors exactly as you uploaded them. It is your responsibility to ensuring that all location data is removed prior to uploading the photograph.


This Website uses Matomo to analyze traffic and help us to improve your user experience without the use of cookies.

We chose to use Matomo because we value our visitors privacy and right to remain anonymous while browsing our site. Matomo doesn’t track users across sites and the data tracked isn’t used for “other purposes”, as is the case with Google Analytics. It also allows us to keep all data collected on our own servers and completely anonymize potentially personally identifiable information. In a nutshell, Matomo lets us monitor and improve our content without having to compromise our integrity or your privacy.

The information we receive about our visitors includes an anonymized version of their IP address and User ID, their general location, which may include the country, region, city & approximate latitude and longitude, and the language settings and screen resolution of the their browser.

Additional information gathered includes, page views based on page title and URL, click through, time spent on the site, and any links to outside domains that are clicked on. We do not gather information about referring domains.

Commenting Policy

The free and open exchange of ideas and opinions is a beautiful thing and it is a right that we support whole-heartedly, but that exchange is only free if everyone feels safe and comfortable enough to participate. Communication through the written word gives us the ability to compose our thoughts clearly, carefully and precisely before presenting them to the world. We ask you to take full advantage of that ability in your interactions on This Website in order to make the experience as pleasant as possible for all of our visitors and to encourage open discourse.

We reserve the right to make changes to or edit comments as we deem necessary. These edits will not alter the context or substance of the comment but may include spelling corrections, removal of advertising, removal of potentially compromising information, or editing of four letter words that are inappropriate for all audiences. These edits will be at our discretion and may be done without warning or notification. We further reserve the right to remove comments or ban commenters, also at our own discretion and without warning or notification.

The Rules

We only have a few rules for commenting on This Website. It is our hope that they will help create a safe, friendly environment that promotes a healthy and helpful exchange of ideas and information. If you see a comment that you feel is inappropriate, may need editing or breaks one of our rules, please point it out to us so that appropriate action can be taken.

Be polite.

Swearing, hate speech, rudeness, trolling, starting flame wars, or any other offensive, inflammatory or mean-spirited behavior will not be tolerated. Disagreement is not only unavoidable, it is also arguably necessary and beneficial to both growth and discourse, but it’s possible to disagree without degrading ourselves or others with hate, anger and meanness. Kindness matters!

Any comment that breaks this rule will be removed and the commenter will be permanently banned without predjudice.

Use common sense when commenting.

Comments on This Website are not private, they are viewable to any and all visitors. Use discretion, keep yourself safe! Do not share any personal information that you wouldn’t want the entire world knowing.

Don’t upload photos that contain important or private location information either in the meta data or the image itself. This information could be used by someone with nefarious intentions to locate you.

Do not use the comment section for advertising.

The comment section is for comments, not advertisements. All comments should be related to the post they are associated with or the ongoing conversation about the post. If a comment has no bearing on it’s associated post and/or is clearly for the purpose of advertising a product or service, it will be removed and the commenter will be banned. If you wish to advertise on this site, please go through the proper channels.


This website is not directed toward and does not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children under 18. While we make every effort to ensure that our content is not harmful or offensive to children, we cannot guarantee that something won’t slip in nor can we predict what parents might find inappropriate for their children. With this in mind, those under 18 must have the approval and involvement of a parent or guardian when using This Website. If a parent or guardian believes that This Website has personally identifiable information of a child under the age of 18 in its database, please contact us immediately so that we can take the necessary measures to remove such information from our records.

Affiliate Links

the Federal Trade Commission requires bloggers to disclose whenever a post contains affiliate links or compensation was received. As we do frequently use affiliate links, our disclosure statement holds a place of prominence in the footer of every single page of This Website, including this one, so please assume that any link that takes you to Amazon or another retailer is an affiliate link.

If you purchase something through one of our affiliate links, we will receive a small commission. This commission doesn’t affect the price you pay, but it does help us keep our little website up and running which we really, really, really appreciate.


It is understood that by using any of the information found on This Website you take all legal, financial, personal, and psychological responsibility for, and sole ownership of, any and all results, outcomes and consequences arising from the use of that information and will hold This Website, it’s owners. and it’s contributors blameless.

The content on This Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or be viewed as either professional or expert advice in any area or field including, but not limited to, technical, mechanical, electrical, medical, legal, psychological, philosophical, seismological and herbological. We also do not control the weather, animal migrations, traffic patterns, price changes, user error, parking availability, language barriers or acts of any higher power real or imagined.

While we make every attempt to ensure all content on This Website is true and accurate at the time of writing, we absolutely cannot and do not make any implicit or explicit warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of any information that we provide on This Website fro any particular purpose. To the fullest extent of the law, we will not be held liable for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions in this information or for the current or future availability of any information on This Website. We expressly disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, to the extent permitted by law, including but not limited to warranties of satisfactory advice.

We also exclude liability for any claims, losses, demands, or damages of any kind whatsoever with regard to any information, content, or services found on This Website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential loss or damages, compensatory damages, loss of profits, or data. Furthermore, we accept no responsibility for and will not be held liable for any accidents, headaches, bouts of swearing, overuse of sick leave, wrong turns, arguments, misspent youth, injuries, reckless behaviors, indigestion, spending too much money on Amazon, internet usage, YouTube binging, experiencing results that are not similar to our own, property damages, death or any other actual or perceived ill effects that may arise from the use of information found on This Website.

We strongly encourage you to use your own judgment, do plenty of research, take all necessary safety precautions, develop relevant skills, consider your own needs, resources and limitations, and seek out professional/expert advice whenever necessary. What you choose to do with any information, suggestions or opinions found on This Website and the consequences of those choices is completely beyond our control and responsibility. Just because we believe that Yellowstone Park is beautiful and well worth a visit, it does not mean that you should go to Yellowstone Park and take on a buffalo. In other words, we like trees but if you fall out of one and break your leg, don’t blame us. That’s on you, and, possibly, the tree. You can send us pictures though.

Reference on This Website to any specific commercial or non-commercial products or services are personal opinions only. These opinions are based on our use of and experience with those products and services and intended to provide you with unbiased information. They do not in any way constitute or imply either implicit or explicit endorsement or recommendation of the specific products or services, the manufacturer of the products, the provider of the services, or any of the manufacturer or provider’s other products or services.

Links from This Website to external or third party websites are provided solely for your convenience. The fact that we link to these websites does not signify endorsement of the website in whole or in part. Following these links is done at your own discretion and risk. We have no control over and take no responsibility for quality, safety, suitability, or reliability of any linked websites or the content found on them,


This Website, all of it’s content, any of it’s current or future related websites and social media accounts are the sole property of the registered owners of named above. We work very hard creating our content, therefore reproducing it in any manner without our personal written and signed permission is not allowed.

We love sharing our experiences with you, and we really appreciate it when you share it with others, it’s a tremendous compliment, all that we ask is that you only use the sharing methods that we’ve provided as this will ensure that others can find and enjoy our content as well.

Sharing any of our content in any other way is considered a violation of our copyright and is not allowed. This includes putting any content (either text or images) on your own website without our express written permission. That’s not sharing, that’s stealing and stealing is bad. Just say no to stealing. Say no!


We reserve the right to make changes to any and all aspects of this page at any time at our own discretion. If we make changes, we will revise the date at the bottom of this page, We encourage you to review it regularly to ensure that you continue to agree with our rules and policies. Your continued use of This Website once changes are made constitutes an agreement that you understand and accept the changes. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the policies and procedures covered on this page.

Last Updated on September 25th, 2024